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February 12, 2007



Lovely colours. I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, so it's time to delurk. I'm a fellow archivist in stockholm, sweden!


I once rolled 13 balls of yarn (not skeins, mind you; these were wound balls that I rewound into yarn cakes) for other reason than the balls were looking a little disheveled from sitting in my stash. It is a compulsion.


Oh - I love yarn cakes too!
Blue and white Anemoi mittens will be so pretty!


What beautiful colors! I'm looking forward to seeing the mittens.

I don't have a swift or ball-winder. I ball as I need, or I would go crazy.


That is beautiful yarn. I love me some Koigu!


i'm a winder too! and my kids love love love it :o)

the colors will be fabulous for mittens!


Koigu truly is knitting therapy!


Don't you just love watching the yarn spin around and the way that tail whips around at the end:) More wonderful that you have such great yarn to wind into those cute and cuddly cakes.


I'm so with you! There's nothing nicer than a pretty yarn cake (I just did some STR. ooh!), and nothing sadder than a deflated cake.


I feel the same way about winding yarn. I just love to look at it in those pretty yarn cakes. . .

Christy / Not Hip

They will be such pretty, wintery Anemois. I definitely found that they took a lot less yarn than a thought they would.


Yarncakes! Yum! What's funny is I saw them and thought "Anemoi!" before I even checked the link--the yarn & the pattern much be fated to be together!


yay winding! nothing is quite as rewarding. the blue and white are so clean together - very beachy (perfect for mittens!)

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