So you know that kid in The Opinionated Knitter. The rockstar modeling the tomten? Yeah, that one. My original intent was not to replicate the rockstar; but, who am I to argue with laundry day and my kid's rockstar tendencies?
So IT is done. And it is, in a word, HUGE. It's really noticeable when all zippered up (zipper chosen by his hipness, himself). I intended to make it big enough for wear next year, but it might be part of the fall and early winter wardrobe for the next two years. Maybe. Some would say it's dowdy...
As excited as Little Sir is about the zipper, I think even he recognizes that rockstars can not rock the casbah in dowdy duds. The fact that I zipped it up in the first place was an afront to his coolness.
It's not so bad unzippered though, right?
I thought I could get away with leaving off the pockets.
This may not be the case. And you know those rockers, they can by so demanding; and, they can also be challenging to photograph. They never really listen, and they often insist on dancing (which may take the form of jumping).
And then they realize that it's hard to rock a jacket-y sweater when it's all spring-like.
Mostly I am including this shot so you can see that the "right side" has been made the inside; and the "wrong side" is now the right. You know me, I am so edgy.
And so is Little Sir, when I said, "give me GQ" (like he would even know what that means...), it was clear that he was so over this photo shoot. Because like a true rockstar, he stormed off the set.
Deets in the gallery.