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December 08, 2009



They look awesome in their party suits! :) I miss them both. :( (And you and K too... don't want to leave you out... you just don't grow as quickly). Personality-wise. I think Little Mister very much takes after Special K and Little Sir after you.


Happy birthday, little man! He gets cuter every day.

I know Ms Bestitched! We used to knit together weekly, back in the bygone era of my postdoc days.


Can't wait to be dazzled! The pictures and "party suits" are insanely adorable :)


Happy Birthday!!! I'm sure it was a very exciting and special day for him!


Happy Birthday to Little Mister! They both look adorable in their party suits.

Angelia Batson

The little men look wonderful! Love your blog.

Happy Birthday Little Mister!!


Happy Birthday Little Mister! I'm bracing myself for the dazzlement.


Happy birthday to Little Sir! We had such a great time at the party and I just finished the last slice of that chocolate orange cake (which was, in a word, amazing). xoxoD


It is not possible that a whole year has passed since the arrival of the Little Mister. Wow!! Really???

Happy Birthday, LM!!


Oh my gosh, party suits!! How cute is that kid? So glad to see your tol celebration photos.

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