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February 24, 2010



Glad you're back. I missed you.


Breaks are good for the soul. But it looks like you were filling your time with wonderful things. LOVE the look of that nido.


Wow, you have been busy crafting! I love Little Sir's taste in colors. I would have stuck with your color choices. Thank goodness for children.

I somehow got roped into the Ravelympics. And surprisingly, I finished!!


I have the same pair of scissors! Glad you're back :)


Fabric and yarn, all in one store? That sounds awesome! Your hats both look great.


I've been gone way too long. You look great and the boys are getting so big and are so cute. I have been knitting off an on. Finished a sweater after a year and am now just tooling around.


Wow, what a fun trip! And so much knitting! I have always wanted to go to Vermont and wish I had done it when I lived on the East Coast. I will have to make it there someday as well as visit that shop. I too think a fabric/yarn store is pretty much perfect.


Hey Novakkah crafty goodness. :) So jealous of your trip to Vermont. :( I'm ready to move there. Okay, not really. But a good long stay.


Okay, I needed a good laugh this morning and you provided that. While I loved reading about all the other crafty endeavors you've been doing in your hiatus (hats look great by the way), the story and video of Little Sir learning to ski and knocking down kiddos definitely was my favorite part of the post. Thanks for sharing!

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