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March 17, 2010



Happy Shamrock Day to you as well! I'm sure you're doing more celebrating than before with a talkative four year old to hand. Very jealous of your France trip. I love all the Little Mister walking pics, even if they are a result of his hate/hate relationship! ;~)

I'll be interested to hear about your socks. Did you find any interesting yarn?


That is great that you guys went on a International trip. Sounds like a wonderful time.

I am not that brave yet. My mom wants us to go to Hong Kong when Melody is 4yrs old. So, hopefully with a grandparent helping, it won't be so bad. I have 2 more years before she hits 4.


OK, now I'm exhausted! I took the train to Chicago for a weekend (concert & museum) with my sister and her boys last spring and OMG that was tiring. But, oh, so memorable, too, and I'd do it all again!!
; )


I'm so impressed that you dared take your two young ones on an international trip. It looks like you all had a grand time (except for the lack of sleep, of course)!


Nova you sneaky little thing!! LOVED reading about this trip so much, and what a great time of year to go. You must have rented a car which to me is soooo impressive:) I'm off to bomb your flickr set, you're going to wish you never knew me in a few minutes...


I think that international travel with kids is a great thing. Being with the kids, the itinerary is different, and the pace is different, but you also get to interact with locals in a way that you don't when you are in an adult tourist bubble.

Carol Juniper

Snap!! Got back from Paris this week and went to most of the places you did - we are not as intrepid as you - we live in England so not so far to travel. We will definitly be going back sometime as we only had two days and didn't get to the Louvre or the latin quarter - we did find Fauchon though - the most artistic cakes I have ever seen!!


Oh fun!!! So glad you had a wonderful time. Your kids are going to have such great memories.


What an awesome succinct post! I still need to go through your flickr pics to catch up.. and wandering under the turnstile.. I'm assuming you're not talking from experience or anything.. o dear!

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