So you know how I advocated making two things (in my case, hats) when you are trying to appease siblings? Turns out, this is a good rule to maintain peace in one's household in general. I am not sure why I thought I could get away with making a quilt for one child and not the other, apparently, I missed that day in the Mother Tutelage Workshop series. So now I am faced with the task of making another quilt, in a manner that is more expeditious than my usual way of quilt making (which usually involve great lapses in time between start and finish) because the boys have come to fisticuffs over this quilt (especially now, since Little Sir has decided to keep the quilt at home--I am sure he is doing this just to cause discord. You may think I am kidding, I'm not. Sometimes he likes to get rough and tumbly, I think it's a brothers thing, I honestly have no idea).
When inquiring about a solution to this new problem (is it just me, or is my propensity for asking a four year old for advice about this sort of stuff, maybe, counter-productive?), Little Sir looked at me, like the fool I apprently am, shrugged and said, "well, you could just make another quilt, Mommy." Maybe it was just the way he said it (patronizing, much?), but I have gained a better understanding of how my children/THE children (or at least the older one) thinks that I am made of time. It's kind of cute that Little Sir thinks that I can just magically produce something of awesome proportions just because I will it to be so. I mentioned that, "it's not as easy as all that. These sorts of things take time and planning." I have to plan and draw out a design, buy the fabric (let's just disregard the mountains of fabric currently at my disposal, trust me, fabric must be bought), cut the fabric, piece everything together, and then you know, there is the quilting and the binding and probably another cute signature block... I am seeing hours dripping away from my life...but, it could be fun, so I am not complaining--I am simply making an observation here.