The alternative title to today’s post could be, “that’s what he said.” So, I finished a thing, or two things, really. They aren’t really anything for me to brag about per se, but they are the finishing touch on a project done by Son, the Elder. So, obviously, I am going to brag about them.
My kid built a couch, such as it is. Last year, he decided that he wanted a couch and he couldn’t find what he was looking for so he decided he was going to build his own. Great. He opted to figure things out on his own. As in, no research. Like, there are all things--tutorials on the internet and books and plans out there, but no…let’s reinvent the wheel. So he planned what he wanted, did some trial and error (prototyping, if you will or you must) and made the couch the way he wanted it.
It’s not the way I would have made a couch. But it’s not my couch. Also, I wouldn't have made a couch. This is why Ikea exists, but that's me.
He was pretty satisfied with the way things turned out structurally, but then when it got to covering the cushions he was pretty specific in what he wanted there as well. He also expected that I would do it for him. He basically wanted two slipcovers, as in pillowcases. I told him there were YouTube videos! There were tutorials involving staple guns (I thought I’d finally have an excuse to get one!). He totally shut me down when he said, “I’m a boy. Also, I hate germs. The cover will get dirty and I’m going to want to wash it. You can’t wash something stapled on. So, something like a pillowcase that will come off easily, please.”
Sensible, I guess. And he asked nicely. But a staple gun, you guys. Staple gun. I guess I have to give it to him, he knows what he wants and if he can’t find it he’ll just manufacture…oh, wait, it’s like I’m describing myself.
Thing(s): Slipcover/Cushion Cases(?)
The Thing(s)’ Designer: Me and Son, the Elder
The Thing(s) were Made with: Upholstery (Heavyweight) fabric from Jo-Ann’s
The Thing was Made with: a few sewing machines, but that’s another story for another time