With the change of seasons comes a change in focus for me, particulalry when it comes to handcrafts. I like to knit when it's cold. I think this is by virtue of the fact that I don't knit with cotton, really. I prefer to knit wool based yarns, and knitting that stuff in the summer can get sweaty and gross. Just me? In any case, I find that there are a few things that I do all year long, quilting being the primary thing, the other: embroidery and cross stitch (mostly embroidery, if we are being honest--I find cross stitch a bit tedious more often than not). I really like the idea of drawing with floss. And also, it's not terribly difficult to do basic designs; and, if you are considering economy, it's not a bad craft to commit one's self too. All things being equal, I am pretty sure my family wishes that I only did one craft, and that it was embroidery/cross stitch. Or maybe not? These are things we will never know, mostly because this is a question I don't really want to know the answer to.
I am working on a couple of embroidery projects at the moment. Why aren't you? The theme of today's gift is embroidery. Just starting out? Want to build skills? I'd like to help you in that endeavor. I am nothing if not helpful and accomodating.
To be considered for today's gift, please share a birthday disaster. I am currently living with a birthday disaster. Weep for me, friends. I threw my back out last week, and in an amazing show of sympathy, Special K decided to do the same; but, you know, worse this week. He is completely out of commission (it's really hard to celebrate when you are carefully rushing your spouse to the hospital for injection of pain medication in his back...in case you were wondering about this, now you know), which means that Novakkah celebrations have been hampered. I mean, I am still celebrating, but the celebration is ringing hollow when K isn't around to roll his eyes and chuckle at the extremes of mycelebraory practices. Honestly, I feel guilty even contemplating celebrating...well, not that guilty. I mean he is asleep, might as well do something fun, right?
I will take comments for this post, and all Novakkah posts, until 11:59 EST (or 2359, should you prefer that), Monday, May 12th. Please leave your responses on the appropriate post. One entry per post/person. Giftees will be selected on the 13th and gifts sent out shortly thereafter.