This post might make you wonder about me a little; but hey, I walk around wearing chocolate as an accessory, so there you are...
Because I have become an expert in the fine art of project avoidance and procrastination in general, I thought I would deliver today’s post in song (or lyrics), to the tune of the Major General Song with some a ton of variation here and there (with apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan and to you, really).
I am a fine example of a modern knit-procrastinator
I have so many ufo’s they can’t be counted with a calculator
There is a tomten needing ends weaved in
But weaving ends does not make me grin
Even though it involves touching wool
And though that usually makes me drool
I just don’t think weaving ends is that cool.
To avoid weaving in my ends
I make the most of gifts from friends
Kirsten sent me merino, take a look at this:
I spun the wool and set the twist
I really think it’s fabulous
I have no idea what to do with it
I don’t want to let it sit
But I try to be good and put it down
Then I pick up the tomten and go to town
But I want to knit everything I see—
This has been made worse by Ravelry.
Instead of weaving in my ends
I imagine purchasing new project bins
And filling the bins with yarn I do not need
Due to my very slow knitting speed
And my stash is larger than it seems
It is the stuff of knitting dreams
I’m not complaining
I’m just saying
I have a lot to occupy my time
And fitting in all my interests is an uphill climb
To achieve some balance I try and take a rest
But my conscience always becomes a pest
And I think about the tomten sitting in the wings
I know all the other projects are really flings
But every time I take time to sit
I find a way to procrasti-knit
In my weaker moments I rediscovered the quilting bug
Because to me, sending a quilt is just like sending a hug
I sew badly but make great haste
I take the time to pin and baste
And when it’s time to bind the quilt
I leave that too to try and spin some silk
(My procrastination knows no bounds
It’s not as bad as it probably sounds)
When my hands get tired, I turn to the internet
There’s so much inspiration there, I kind of need some limits set
First Brooke began her weaving kick
Her work is so amazing it kind of makes me sick
I would love to weave things half as good
But I don’t weave and instead of knitting as I should
I troll the web for some sort of simple loom
Special K says, “you’re crazy we have no room”
But I think something small and simple would be fine
And it would likely not take up a lot of time
And time is quite the commodity
But still I return to the internet to scope what else there is to see
But I try to avoid spending more time on Ravelry
And then I go to flickr and note that Mandy dyed some wool
That struck me as really cool
Have you seen the singles, I don’t think the yarn will pool
When all is said and done, I just go and bake a pie for fuel
Because it’s Wednesday and I am a pie-baking fool
And I am still avoiding all those ends
I need to find a way to make amends
But there are so many ends to weave in it’s ridiculous
They make me feel like Sisyphus
But I am not discouraged because I like to procrasti-knit
And I’ll always find a way to let the knitting sit
It’s not as though I’ll every quit
Because I love knitting and it loves me
But weaving ends is as dull as dull can be
And I’d rather ignore all the ends I see
But then Little Sir gives me a face
And it puts me in my place
So I pick up the knitting and weave in ends
Keeping in mind advice from friends
I’ll finish the tomten, but bit by bit
Because I’ll still be prone to procrasti-knit.
I know. It’s a special kind of crazy. Info about today’s pie is in flickr. Things should return to normal (which for me, admittedly, is still a little crazy) at the end of the week. There may even be an fo! No, not the bain of my existence tomten...